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Flight Locating Support

At Flight Locating providing support is our highest priority. Communication helps us continue to improve software.

Flight Locating Help

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Flight Locating FAQ

Here you will find some frequently asked questions about Flight Locating software. Don't see your question in the FAQ? Give us a ring.

Frequently Asked Questions

We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.

Once you have signed up you have access to the system immediately. There are already the majority of aircraft type with performance profiles setup, all locations and parameters preset. Depending on your type of operation you will create accounts for other users, define tail numbers for aircraft to be used, add names of the pilots and contact information for automated alerts and you are ready to go!

What is amazing about the Flight Locating software is it knows the time zone based on the airport name or code and automatically adjusts for time difference. Simply input the local time and it will be correct. This saves on human error with longer flights over multiple time zones. 

All the processes in Flight Locating software are automated. There is still the need for data input from a human for the departure time, city and misc info and same for the arrival. This is the minimum required to then initiate the automation and email and text alerts for overdue aircraft. For operators that use GPS tracking devices on their aircraft and wish to incorporate that into Flight Locating software there are options to integrate. 

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